Sunday, October 25, 2009

A New Year

Happy Anniversary to me! It's been a year ago today that I entered the Blogspot world. I feel like it's been a good year. Lots of things have happened, good and bad. Both that I can and have learned from. I thank God for those experiences!
To all of my prayer warrior friends, I need you. One of my best friends, Bekah, needs prayer right now. Her whole family needs your prayers right now, especially her dad, Rick. You see, Rick has had cancer for a couple of years now and has been in and out of remission. It has gotten to the point now that he's being sent home tomorrow with Hospice, that is, if he makes it through the night. I pray that he does. The last thing that I want to see is one of my best friends go through a very similar tragedy that I went through almost 4 years ago.
It's so hard to believe that it will be 4 years in February...
God has been so faithful through the years. He has been able to renew my faith and remain steadfast.
"Create in me a pure heart,
O God, and renew a steadfast
spirit within me."
Psalm 51:10
I just hope that Bekah finds the promises that God has bestowed upon me over the years. I know that His promises will be revealed to her in His perfect timing. I cannot wait for Bekah's restoration. I continue to pray for her daily through this time.
Until next time...

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