Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's the Climb hard. It's a laugh. It's a tear. But in Miley Cyrus' song "The Climb" It's the climb that's exciting.
"There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose"
I never remember that when in the game of Life, I'm going to stumble and fall flat on my face. I'm going to lose. I hate admitting that. In a perfect world, I would win all the time. I would've made the grades to graduate with honors in high school. I would've gotten into an amazing college, the first time. I would've graduated with honors. I would meet the perfect man for me. We would get married and start a family. Our children would be beautiful and they would never get hurt. They would know the Lord and thrive from His direction. Instead, I didn't try hard enough in high school to make it to an honorable graduation. I hated college (the first time). I loved college, the second time. I didn't try enough, again, to graduate honorably. I haven't met the perfect man that God has set apart for me. I haven't had beautiful children of my own. I lost my dad when I was 17 and I've let that affect me in different parts of my life, both negatively and positively.
Now, don't get me wrong. I have definitely loved a lot of the past almost 8 years of my life. I had a lot of days of laughter. I had birthdays and Christmases and Fridays! I've had days of talking with friends about what matters in life. Heart to heart chats lift my spirits. I've kept amazing kids in 8 years. I just can't even express how much fun I've had in and out of high school and then in and out of college!
I hope there is much more life for me to live. I hope that God blesses me immensely and grants me with the desires of my heart (Ps. 37:4). I can't wait to see the fun and love that my life has to come. I won't be scared of it anymore.
May the Lord bless you and keep you.

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