Saturday, November 14, 2009

Silence and Awe

I haven't had a lot to say lately and I'm not sure why. Maybe because the people at my job are driving me nuts. Maybe it's because I have to change some things in my life right now that I don't necessarily want to--at all. Maybe it's because I've just been thinking instead of talking.
"Be still and know that He is God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in all the earth."
Psalm 46:10
I've been reading the Psalms lately. And I couldn't be happier reading them. Now, granted, I'm not in that 46th chapter just yet...but I'm getting there. I love reading the Psalms. The words bring joy to my heart and the knowledge that He is with me all the time. He holds me close and never forgets about me.
"Keep me as the apple of your eye.
Hide me in the shadow of your wings."
Psalm 17:8
He doesn't ignore me. He hears whenever I call out to Him. How powerful! I am the scum of the Earth to Him and yet; He still wants a relationship with me. Awesome. I have done Him so wrong and still He loves me. That absolutely blows my mind.
"The Lord has heard my cry for mercy;
the Lord accepts my prayer."
Psalm 6:9
This really neat this happened at work on Wednesday. As you probably know, it was Veteran's Day and we were giving free smoothies for anyone in a service uniform. These two people in uniform came in to order and it was clearly their first time, right in the middle of the lunch rush--no doubt. As they were ordering, this lady behind them caught my attention and mouthed the words, "I want to pay for their meal." So the couple finished ordering and after I took the smoothie prices off they were left with a certain amount and the lady behind them stepped up and said, "I would like to pay for your meal to say 'Thanks for serving our country.'" I almost started crying! How moving is that! It's so incredible that there are still good people in this world. I would have paid for their meal if I had thought of it myself, but I didn't. HA! May God bless that lady! Anyway, the end of the story is the couple was so thankful and the lady in uniform was so moved that she hugged the one who paid for her meal! I will never forget this for as long as I live.
Thank you to all who have served my country.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

That's a really neat story, Katie. Some days I wonder how many thinking, loving people there are left in the world. Thanks for sharing.