Friday, September 25, 2009

Ups and Downs

You know those times...times when you want to crawl in a hole and just stay there until that bit of time passes? Well...I felt a bit like that yesterday.
A friend of mine that I haven't seen in years came into where I work (notice the anonymity) and we started chatting. I went to Elementary school with her son and she was my chaperone on a trip from those years. So we pulled the usual "how are you's" and "what have you been up to's". After those were answered, she asked how my parents' business was doing. I gave her a nervous chuckle and muttered something like, "oh, you don't know, do you?" And with a confused look on her face, I told her the dreaded news. "My dad passed away three and a half years ago," I said. Within milliseconds her confused look changed into shock. I briefly explained what happened and still shock covered her face. She conveyed her sincerest regrets and we went back to the bit of small talk that was happening before.
I never know how to handle those situations. Those people whom I haven't seen in ages say their sorry's and hug me with the most love they can possibly give, but I still feel bad. Not because it reminds me that my dad isn't with us anymore, but because I'm bringing sadness to them. I'm the type of person who is happy most all the time. That is my mood. Happy. But when I have to tell people about my dad going to be with Jesus, the mood drops. And there are only a few times when it recovers back to those happy moments before the horrible news, depending on the person and their view on life.
I hate those moments. I hate giving people news that is going to make them sad. I mean, they are expecting to hear, "Yeah, we still have The Hop and we are loving it! We are all doing amazingly!" Instead they are hearing, "He passed away three and a half years ago and we don't know why." It's very depressing having to tell them that. I know I'm not the only one who knows this feeling. It's awful.
Just a little rant...

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